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My story


When I was nine years old I was sent away from home to boarding school. This was a profound abandonment which influenced the rest of my days. It buried my instincts deeply under my manners and so I self abandoned myself over and over again. 

In small ways all the time by not speaking up when my body said no.

It took the upheaval of my divorce to expose this and allow me to face this in my own life.

As my marriage came to an end I sought a way back to myself. My divorce was long and bitter and took a heavy toll on me and my four daughters.

I knew that I wanted to more than to survive its aftermath but learn to thrive. 

I had no idea how to make this happen for me but followed my instinct step by step. 


I have always been a reader and a lover of fairy tales and books had saved me in the past. I sat down and wrote my own novel, The Witch of land and sea. I became absorbed in the plot and characters and they offered me protection from my everyday life and pressures.

When I emerged reality awaited and I was not in a state to cope with it. I was gifted a book on Mindfulness and didn't look back. I followed that through to trauma information and somatic therapy and by grace discovered Layla Martin, tantra and the jade egg! I studied and trained with Layla for two years and then went on to further study EFT and compassion.

I never looked back.

Embodiment practices took me from getting by to glowing. Nourishing my body brought me to listen to its wisdom, to tune into my intuition.

Mine comes in waves pulling me up and down into excitement and nervous agitation.

My secret is to wait it out until I feel calm.


Human Design

In 2019 I discovered Human Design and the journey of who I am became clear. Human Design has given me a simple path to follow. 

It is neither a belief system nor a personality test.

It is a spiritual journey backed by science.

I am a Projector ruled by my emotions and a 6/2 role model hermit.

By my design I am here to be a Guide and help anyone who seeks me out to live from their inner truth and intuition.


Get in contact for guidance on your design or to commission a poem of your design keynotes.

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